Guardians of the Nature Collection
Art for interior design and architecture
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Certificate of authenticity
- Technique: Created using a mixed technique of watercolour, acrylics and ink. Finished digitally. Once created, they are reproduced in limited series.
- Luxury finish: size 100 x 140 cm. Artwork on cotton canvas mounted on a wooden frame and framed with a floating frame.
- Museum finish: size 50 x 70 cm. Artwork on museum paper with pine wood frame (color: black, light wood or dark wood)
- Creativity: other sizes and finishes can be obtained: vinyl for murals, methacrylate… on request and with a single quote. Also commissioned works.

Value assessed by experts
All works include this high-value document , which acts as a property contract for the client. It includes all the details of the piece of art, a personal thank you and the current value at the time of acquisition, appraised and certified by the investment holding company Apunto ( Linkedin ).
The appraisal is based on biographical criteria of the Artist and the value of all previous sales.
It is revised upwards every two years. This document has commercial value - added value to the property.
International Shipping
Three fundamental pieces in a work: the person who creates it, the painting and the person who sees it.
I create art to connect people with their essence, with the gaze of animals or with subtle messages in the form of flowers.
An eternal bond: my mission is to accompany you throughout your life with works full of meaning.
This collection tells the story of the Hero's Journey in a series of 10 paintings, each with a very powerful message: they symbolize personal growth and the discovery of our existential essence. We all go through this path and we see ourselves reflected in it.
Designed to convey a message of evolution, reflection and calm. And designed to be integrated into interior design-architecture: Desert Modernism, Nordic Noir or Art Deco. Although the neutral tones give it versatility to integrate it into any style.
You can purchase all the works or the piece you most identify with.
PS At the end of the exhibition you can download it in high resolution. The journey begins:

I. THE DAY AFTER: Allegory of the “Dark Night of the Soul” or -in the Eastern tradition- the degradation of the ego. The ruins refer to the collapse of thoughts and the destruction of the individual's belief system (ego).
There is only one ray of life in the whole scene: the deer alone in front of the ruins, which symbolizes the soul and connects it with Nature and its power. This animal emerges from the destruction and serves as a catalyst for growth and the following works.

II. GUARDIAN OF THE OCEAN: In this work, the scene moves from the city to Nature. The hero's journey begins and a more subtle understanding of reality: the duality represented by [the sky] and [the water].
Water symbolizes hopelessness and meaninglessness , oppression, depression... and the starry sky the opposite: purpose , freedom, joy. On the line that separates both planes (Tao) we find the animal and a boat that embarks on a journey that continues in the next work.

III. WATER KINGDOM: In this work, the boat we saw in the previous one returns to the ruined city. But this time, it is crossed by the “water-sky” duality.
What seems like a step back, returning to the old, is a symbol of growth, of looking at the past with a new perspective and with a purpose for the journey. Therefore, there is an element of rhythm that breaks the calm: the boat and the hero.

IV. TEMPLE OF THE NIGHT: A key stop along the way. The central tree represents the acquisition of knowledge and wisdom. Nature is reconciled and fused with the forms of the past.
The trees form a Gothic arch and the sky a ribbed vault, like in Gothic cathedrals (a symbol of the union of heaven and earth) . The cosmos is a unified temple and the tree is the symbol of knowledge, from which all understanding begins.
V. GUARDIAN OF THE EARTH: The hero's journey continues and challenges his own power. We see a path of pilgrimage, where Nature takes on new forms, where the individual is able to shape mountains into animal forms. He has become aware of his power of creation.

VI. GUARDIAN OF THE AIR: In this work, the road reaches the end of a mountain: a supposed end. Where the earth separates from the sky and where the hero shapes his last creation: an eagle as a material symbol of freedom and success.
Has your desire reached its physical limit or is there more? It is the end of a stage of understanding, when the individual has achieved material success and an evolutionary crisis occurs. This picture symbolizes a moment in life that affects us all: my spirit is at peace with the material, and now what?

These four works conclude the collection and have a very energetic meaning, in order:
VII. REBIRTH (PHOENIX): After the second crisis (represented in the work "VI. Guardian of the Air"), comes the second rebirth symbolized by the Phoenix. Earth and matter are no limit. The hero understands that duality: good and evil, light and darkness, heaven and earth, life and death... everything is part of the illusion and living in the world means integrating it, accepting it and playing with it. That is why this work is framed in a geometric shape that is broken by the being (the Phoenix).
VIII. BEAT OF THE FOREST: From this painting (VIII) and the following ones, we see how the being coexists with the forms (frames). In this one, we explore the archetype of unconditional love: the deer (present in painting I) and the roots return again to Nature, beginning to close the cycle: the return to the being.
IX. LIQUID MOON: This work represents the universal principle of rhythm (or flow). It also represents transmutation. It is greatly influenced by the Kybalion and Hermeticism. The drop under the rhombus breaks the form and its essence comes out of the frame.
X. NIGHT BIRD: In this painting we reach the end of the cycle, Nature breaks the frame of the painting and contains within it part of the form: a woman freeing a bird. It symbolizes freedom, cycles, infinity and life. With these elements the hero's journey ends and begins again: now with a much wiser and more subtle understanding of the laws that govern the universe and his own experience.

You can purchase individual pieces (chapters of life) or the complete collection.
Its value is assessed by experts and certified by AKOUN based on artistic and commercial criteria. It acquires an investment value.
Bring this value to your clients or your own home.
PS It weighs 1 Gb.

Author: Rafael Castillo Guillen
I have been exploring and studying the human and animal soul for over a decade, to bring you messages full of energy. To help you find the right work at the perfect time and make your life more beautiful. A pleasure to create together.
If you want to chat about how to integrate it into your decoration, interior design and architecture projects, let's chat!